30 Summit Invitation
I’m excited to have been invited to this year’s 30 Summit in New York City, where I’ll talk about technology applications in development, specifically learning I’ve culled from a summer considering these ideas at Facebook, Inc. For examples of ideas, please see my recent Stanford Social Innovation Review piece, Social Squared: Productive Gaming on Facebook.
In a recent press release, organizers share that “this Labor Day Weekend at University Settlement in SoHo, the Second Annual 30 Summit will allow some of today’s most promising young leaders to brainstorm and broadcast their ideas as the world prepares to grapple with its next set of challenges.
The format of the Summit resembles a combination of TED talks, the Aspen Ideas festival, and a Presidential Cabinet meeting. Each Summit participant gets 30 minutes to present on a topic related to their work. Every presentation must have an interactive element and allow time for questions and answers, enabling the group to add to or push back on ideas, contemplate the cross-sector applicability of different concepts, and collaboratively engage in conversations around tough issues. As the ideas from the Summit percolate, participants continue their conversations beyond the weekend and carry them forward into their lives.” Stay tuned…
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